It's a new year and a renewed blog! Since it's a little late for New Year's resolutions, I made a list of personal goals to kick off my last semester of college (which starts in a week, eek!):
1. Alterations.. doesn't everyone have those few pieces lying around that would get so much more wear with a little hem and sew? It's about time I shorten that oversized Madewell button-up and those jeans that have been cuffed for months.
2. DIY makeup tray.. I've always wanted to spray paint a cheap tray gold and white, and recently I've realized the perfect excuse to do so. Scattered beauty products take up half my desk space, so organization is much needed.
3. Set up clothing rack.. my sister gave me a clothing rack, which I can't wait to find a place for in my room. Great photo-op too, right?
4. Watch Oscar nominees.. something I resolved to do last year and almost achieved. This year, I want to get through at least all of the best picture nominees before the awards ceremony!
5. Write more.. even if it seems silly or pointless. It's way too easy to find excuses not to write, but I'm always glad when I finally do.
Finally, a general resolution for the year (because it's never too late). Be more gutsy.. like this girl!
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