No Regrets | The Soph-isticate: No Regrets


No Regrets

I recently read an interview with fashion designer Emerson Fry on The Everygirl, which left me thinking about dedication and living with no regrets. Her work ethic and perspective on life is inspiring, and she just seems like a pretty cool person overall. My favorite parts..

What would people be surprised to learn about you?
Not sure. Perhaps that, other than Ryan, I prefer complete solitude. When our sweet buyers come up to me in public, I am actually quite shy, albeit very honored and always taken aback by how beautiful our women are. But in life I generally love the runner’s wave. You know the one? It’s an unspoken and meaningful gesture of mutual appreciation while traveling swiftly on.

What advice would you give to your 25-year-old self?
I try not to look backwards, since there is not much I can do about that. I would just watch her.

On the note of inspiring women, 101-year-old Bel Kaufman is just that. Her article in Vogue covers her career as an English teacher (a title that she still very much holds, mind you) and the obstacles that she had to overcome to get where she is today. It's a must read!

 "I've lived a long time, a very long time, 101 years, and I'm still here. I'm done with the doubts and struggles and insecurities of youth. I'm finished with loss and guilt of regret...I had many problems and disasters in my life; fortunately, at my age, I don't remember what they were. I'm glad I am 101."

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