January 2015The Soph-isticate: January 2015


Today's Mood

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Coffee, books, and a cozy knit. I love these high-tops so much, I wish I knew where she got them. Actually pretty in love with her whole outfit. She's French, of course. There's something so refreshing about seeing such a candid, unassuming street style photo of someone who has great style but isn't involved in any of the fashion week stuff. Makes me want to clean out my closet and save up for all the 'so worth it' staples.

Photos via Vanessa Jackman


New Year, New Style

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When scrolling through street style photos is part of your job, the all-to-familiar subjects all begin to look the same. These two, however, are completely killing it with their unique styles and don't mess with me mugs. Coat caping, though, has got to go.

Photo via Style.com
