I can't wait to decompress from this week by going to the beach and spending time with friends. Hopefully it's sunny enough to get a little color! What are your plans for the weekend?
In honor of summer and having somewhat of an excuse to be lazy, I've decided to share some links that I love...
+ TED Ed is an interesting site from the popular TED, for those searching for some enlightenment, inspiration, or motivation (so.. everyone?)
+ If you haven't heard of DJ Mike D, then look no further for a new summer playlist of great remixes
+ Australian Sarah Wilson writes one of my favorite blogs about living healthier and being happier, among other interesting topics.
+ Kimberly Snyder is my favorite nutritionist, mostly because she's the only one I know of. She ahs written a ton of articles about eating for health and beauty, as well as a book that I'm pretty smitten with.. not to mention she has worked people like Hilary Duff, Jenna Dewan, and Channing Tatum. Need I say more?